True Nature Contemplative Psychotherapy
“To accept ourselves as we are means to value our imperfections as much as our perfections”
— Sandra Bierig
I practice as a contemplative psychotherapist. I believe in the basic goodness of all people and join together with clients to reconnect that basic goodness back into their conscious life. I believe transformation is possible and healing can take place even under the most dire situations, feelings, and ways we are conditioned to think, feel and act. I am slow paced and create an atmosphere of warmth, trust, and safety.
I primarily do talk therapy. I believe the body, along with the mind, heart and spirit, holds an amazing amount of awareness and affords new information for exploration and avenues for healing. Through noticing body sensations and movement in the body, new understandings can be realized and integrated.
I am likened to a “general” practitioner, believing in the common needs for independence, connection and love. I enjoy working together with individuals, couples, families, and groups.
True Nature Contemplative Psychotherapy creates a space for exploration and discovery. Happiness abounds when there is awareness into the true nature of who we are, in all of our wisdom and brilliance. When there is clear recognition of oneself, another, and/or a present or past life situation, there can be a relaxing into life; a celebration and appreciation of our humanness and our inter-connection to the world.
All Are Welcome
all races, all sizes, all nationalities, all sexual orientations, all genders and gender expressions, all immigration statuses, all nationalities, all religions, all socio-economic classes, all ethnicities, all abilities, all ages, all opinions and beliefs, all educational levels, Languages, etc.